More Thanksgiving Reads

Last year, we recommended some stories to read on Thanksgiving, and we’re back with some more recommendations this year too!

On a Winter’s Night” by Paul Crenshaw (more of a winter story, but perfect if you like your Thanksgiving a bit on the spooky side of things)

The Essence of Sprout” by Nick Morrish (scientific experiments on taste buds)

“In memoriam: Hammy, the Last Pig on Earth” by Joachim Heijndermans (if you’d prefer a Thanksgiving ham over turkey) (available in MSJ Autumn 2018)

“After Fear Becomes My Friend” by Richard Zwicker (even monsters deserve a nice Thanksgiving) (available in MSJ Autumn 2015)

“Living Blue” by Dr. J.A. Grier (when your family doesn’t understand your life’s work) (available in MSJ Winter 2015)

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Fiction and Non-Fiction News from Our Alumni

Author Kayleigh Taylor practicing her driving skillsWe’ve got a whole bunch of exciting news about fiction from our alumni, plus a great piece of news (non-fiction) from one as well!

We’ve previously talked about Kickstarters by the folks at TO Comix Press, and they’ve got another one running currently, which ends December 12th. This time around, it’s Wayward Kindred, and one of the authors involved is H. Pueyo, an MSJ alum who frequently works with TO Comix Press.

Jonathan Ficke’s story, “Excerpts from the Audio Notes of Jim Dennath, P. (Eldritch) E.,” has been translated into Estonian. If you’re an Estonian reader, you can check it out here!

Kayleigh Taylor (pictured), who was our youngest author in I Didn’t Break the Lamp, has an update on her driving (which we talked with her about in her interview)! Her dad, Calvin, tells us: “Kayleigh started taking an anti-anxiety medication at the beginning of summer, and her seizures have stopped. She’s been given permission to practice driving, which has increased her father’s anxiety, but Kayleigh herself is handling it just fine. She’s spent the summer independently studying math, reading, and writing, because “I’m going to be a Junior this year, Daddy, and it’s going to be a lot of work.” I say “independently” because she has no human tutor, though I suspect Peachy is secretly helping her. She’s also busy participating in a special needs cheerleading team where, in addition to being one of the athletes, she is the Board’s communications coordinator.” Way to go, Kayleigh!

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That Man Behind the Curtain – October 2019

Photo of a table at GeekGirlCon

Our table at GeekGirlCon 2019.

In October we launched I Didn’t Break the Lamp and distributed it out to backers! But what do the numbers look like?

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Fiction: The Experiment Meets Certain Doom

An essay by Experiment 105, as related by Deborah L. Davitt
Art by Luke Spooner

I looked up from inside my cage as the skylight of the laboratory opened, and blinked. A swarm of insects poured through the opening, coalescing near the floor. The insects seethed, never entirely outlining the form with perfect resolution, but I could interpolate the shape of a human female. One that now rooted among the cabinets, chucking tools into a sack.

“Excuse me,” I said politely. Mother had taught me to always be polite. “You needn’t steal. If you’re hungry, Mother will give you food. She says everything she does is to help others.”

The swarm dissolved. Reformed, the limbs melding front to back, the face melting through the back of the head to become the front. “Mother? She lets you call her that?” The voice sounded like the susurration of a million wings. “She didn’t let me call her Mother even when I was her flesh-and-blood daughter.”

I sat upright. “You’re her daughter?”

“Once, yes.” Insects billowed toward me, then curled back into human shape. “Until she tried to destroy me.”

I hesitated. Mother’s good. Mother would never try to destroy anything that wasn’t evil. “Are you … certain doom or something?”

“She named me Melissa, first. Then Swarm. Then, yes, Certain Doom. It has a ring, don’t you think?”

“What happened?” I whispered, shocked.

“A period of mutual discovery. She discovered that most people didn’t want to eat bugs. I discovered that I didn’t want to be eaten by people. And people discovered that large swarms of insects often devour entire fields of grain. The local farmers drove her out of town. I followed, because she was my mother, and I didn’t know anything else.” A pause. “Like you and all the others.”

I clutched the bars, half in panic, half in desperate hope. “There are others? Like us?”

Illustration of a swarm of bugs in a humanoid shape.

The insects seethed, never entirely outlining the form with perfect resolution, but I could interpolate the shape of a human female.

To read the rest of this story, check out the Mad Scientist Journal: Autumn 2019 collection.

Experiment 105 believes that she’s probably about ten to twelve years old, though rapid-maturation technology gives her the appearance of an adult human female. She didn’t grab her mother’s lab notes on her existence, however, so it’s hard to tell precisely when she was decanted from her artificial womb. At some point in the future, she thinks that she might like to pick a name for herself. In the meantime, her siblings have taken to calling her Peri, which she thinks sounds like a chip from a paint store, but it’s hard to argue with them, when they’re the only family she’s got.

Deborah L. Davitt was raised in Nevada, but currently lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and son.  Her poetry has received Rhysling, Dwarf Star, and Pushcart nominations; her short fiction has appeared in InterGalactic Medicine ShowCompelling Science Fiction, and Pseudopod. For more about her work, including her Edda-Earth novels and her poetry collection, The Gates of Never, please see

Luke Spooner, a.k.a. ‘Carrion House,’ currently lives and works in the South of England. Having recently graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a first class degree, he is now a full time illustrator for just about any project that piques his interest. Despite regular forays into children’s books and fairy tales, his true love lies in anything macabre, melancholy, or dark in nature and essence. He believes that the job of putting someone else’s words into a visual form, to accompany and support their text, is a massive responsibility, as well as being something he truly treasures. You can visit his web site at

“The Experiment Meets Certain Doom” is © 2019 Deborah L. Davitt
Art accompanying story is © 2019 Luke Spooner

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Strange Science: Scientifically Accurate Zombies?

Fashionable Zombies ( CC-by-sa-2.0 (

Zombies are a staple in horror fiction and media, but there are a number of ways in which zombies could be real, based on science.

This article from SyFy talks about several scenarios in which zombies might actually rise up, while also reviewing some of the memorable zombies in film. Meanwhile, this article talks more about the possibility of zombies and preparedness for a zombie outbreak!

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Fun Thanksgiving Experiments!

With American Thanksgiving coming up, you may find yourself in need of ways to entertain kids, whether they’re your own, those of a family member, or those of a friend. We’re posting links to a few different sets of Thanksgiving experiments that you can prepare to bring to your Thanksgiving gathering!

This list has 18 ideas, sorted by the various foods you might have on hand for Thanksgiving. There are 20 more on this list, including some craft activities for STEAM science education (including arts with science, technology, engineering, and math). Finally, this list has some longer-term science experiments related to Thanksgiving, that you could either start before the holiday or keep working on after the holiday!

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Our Stories Are Full of Voids: What Time Travel Points Out

Guest Post by Tucker Lieberman

Time travel can be a challenge for novelists to handle, but it also delivers rewards. Three novels by Charles Yu, Kate Mascarenhas, and Lindsey Drager are great examples of how time travel can be used to explore important themes. In these stories, the technology is a way of exploring a character’s longing for a missing part of their own history, patching gaps in their knowledge of what happened, and allowing the beginning, middle, and end of a big story to be told out of order.

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What Fields Have Fictional Mad Scientists Dominated Over the Years?

Have you ever wondered what fields mad scientists in fiction have dominated? Look no further than this super cool chart and article at io9, which breaks down the fields of science studied by mad scientists in fiction and media over the decades!

While we haven’t run a similar analysis for the mad scientists we’ve featured in Mad Scientist Journal, we think it’s awesome to see just how much mad science has grown since its beginnings. And we look forward to seeing where it will go next!

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Fiction: Disinhibited

An excerpt from the journals of Combat Search & Rescue Consultant Lana McGee, as provided by Myna Chang
Art by Luke Spooner

Don’t call me a mercenary. Those guys are pricks. Kidnappers and murderers, the lot of them. I’m not like that. Sure, I get paid for my work, and yeah, I love a good explosion. Who doesn’t? But my job is to save people. Pull them out of bad situations. Bring them home safe.

I’m not an asshole.

“I didn’t think you were, Ma’am.”

Oh shit, did I say all that out loud?

“Yes, Ma’am, you did.”

Wow, this pilot doesn’t look old enough to shave, let alone fly a chopper.

“I shave, Ma’am.”

“You heard that, too?”

“Yes, Ma’am. My CO warned me this might happen.”

“Name’s Lana, not Ma’am. So, they told you about my disability?” Their word, not mine.

“They said you got a piece of shrapnel in your head. War souvenir. Said you blurt out whatever crosses your mind.”

“Yep,” I nod. “Frontal Lobe Disinhibition. Basically, if I think it, I say it. That’s why I’m freelancing now.”

“Yes, Ma’am. Not a merc. Got it.”

Illustration of a woman in body armor with a dog.

Don’t call me a mercenary. Those guys are pricks.

To read the rest of this story, check out the Mad Scientist Journal: Autumn 2019 collection.

Combat Search & Rescue Consultant Lana McGee specializes in the retrieval of personnel and property from high-risk environments. McGee is assisted by a Hero-Class German Shepherd named Diamond. McGee has recently raised her consultation fees, and now charges a premium for any “mad scientist bullshit.”

Myna Chang writes flash and short stories. Her work has been featured in Daily Science Fiction, The Copperfield Review, Defenestration, and Dead Housekeeping, among others. Find her @MynaChang or read more at

Luke Spooner, a.k.a. ‘Carrion House,’ currently lives and works in the South of England. Having recently graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a first class degree, he is now a full time illustrator for just about any project that piques his interest. Despite regular forays into children’s books and fairy tales, his true love lies in anything macabre, melancholy, or dark in nature and essence. He believes that the job of putting someone else’s words into a visual form, to accompany and support their text, is a massive responsibility, as well as being something he truly treasures. You can visit his web site at

“Disinhibited” is © 2019 Myna Chang
Art accompanying story is © 2019 Luke Spooner

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Strange Science: Voyager 2 in Interstellar Space

A chart showing the Voyager probes leaving the influence of the sun

Public domain (

Voyager 2, a deep-space probe launched by NASA, has reached interstellar space, following Voyager 1, which left “the region of space outside the bubble-shaped boundary produced by wind streaming outward from the sun” in 2012. Both probes were launched in 1977, but had different routes.

The probe reached interstellar space just over a year ago, but the findings have only recently been reported on. Researchers at the University of Iowa included a plasma wave instrument on Voyager 2, and thus were able to identify the moment when the probe passed out of interstellar space based on a shift in the plasma density, which Voyager 1 also experienced.

The location at which the two probes reached this point also helps scientists visualize the shape of the heliosphere as somewhat bullet shaped, as pictured, and generally symmetrical, which provides new information about the heliosphere and other components.

You can read more about their findings here!

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