Valentine’s Day Reads

It’s Valentine’s Day, so we’ve collected some of our favorite stories about mad scientists and love!

Lonely Heart” by Kathryn Yelinek (love that blooms after a human heart is found)

“Love in the Time of Electronics” by Charlie Neuner (available in the Autumn 2017 quarterly) (the love a toaster feels for its human)

“X X” by Liam Hogan (available in the Winter 2017 quarterly) (electronic transmission of love)

“Ships Passing in the Night” by Mickey Hunt (available in the Autumn 2016 quarterly) (romance and marriage between lovers from anti-synchronous worlds)

“The Story of Jesse’s Heart Trouble” by Marla L. Anderson (available in the Winter 2015 quarterly) (hearts and music)

“Weather is a Zero-sum Game” by Judith Field (available in the Autumn 2014 quarterly) (love and weather control)

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