Have You Gotten Your Copy of Battling in All Her Finery?

Cover art for Battling in All Her FineryHave you picked up a copy of Battling in All Her Finery: Historical Accounts of Otherworldly Women Leaders yet? If you have, and you’ve had a chance to read the stories, we’d love to know what you think! You can write reviews, even if they’re just a quick “loved it!” at Amazon and GoodReads! If you want to write more, tell us which stories you really loved, and which ones you wish were longer!

If you haven’t bought a copy yet, you can find both ebook and print at Amazon and at other book retailers, via the DefCon One Publishing webpage.

We will also have copies of Battling in All Her Finery at GeekGirlCon in Seattle, October 27 and 28! You can get a preview of the book in your digital swag bag or you can come by the DefCon One Publishing booth to buy a paperback copy. In addition, we’ll have one of the pieces of interior art available as a coloring postcard for people of all ages! You may also find co-editor Dawn Vogel there, happy to sign your book, and we may have some guest appearances by local authors attending the convention as well!

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