How Does It Snow When It’s Above Freezing?

Olga Ernst, Feuchtschnee auf Bäumen ( CC-by-sa-4.0 (

Snow is unusual in Seattle, where the staff for MSJ live, because it so rarely gets below freezing here. Sometimes, though, we see snow in the forecast (and actual snowflakes) when the temperature is above freezing. Curious as to how this happens, we looked it up!

The trick has to do with the dryness of the air. The drier (less humid) the air, the more possible it is for snow to survive at above-freezing temperatures. This article explains the science and the equation behind determining if precipitation will fall as snow or rain!

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Awesome Finds: An Ancient Celtic Tree Burial

Newgrange Entrance Stone ( CC-by-sa-4.0 (

Archaeologists in Zurich, Switzerland, found the 2,200-year-old remains of a Celtic woman who was buried in a tree. The burial was from roughly the first century B.C., and the woman may have been part of a Celtic community in Switzerland at that time.

Some of the grave goods buried with this women were in a condition that has allowed the archaeologists to learn a good deal about her, including the fact that her teeth still show evidence of a sweet tooth!

You can read more about this here!

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More Stories about Pathogens and Viruses

If you enjoyed yesterday’s story about pathogens, here are a few stories from the MSJ archives you might also enjoy!

Disinhibited” by Myna Chang (a bounty hunter trying to help stop an outbreak)

“Love Bites” by James A. Conan (alien infections) (available in MSJ Summer 2016)

“Futility” by D. J. Tyrer (analyzing the cause of zombies) (available in MSJ Spring 2015)

“Hemingway at Work” by T.J. Tranchell (a rogue employee fights back against a virus-releasing employer) (available in MSJ Winter 2014)

“A Bad Case of Rabies” by Jason Bougger (rabies zombies) (available in MSJ Winter 2014)

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Fiction: Do Not Touch

An essay by Professor Caldwell Mook, as provided by Nick Morrish
Art by Luke Spooner

I was recently the recipient of a sizeable bequest from Sir Blumquist Plimpington, a speculative microbiologist with whom I worked during the Manhattan Frog Pox outbreak of the early nineties. Although I was not directly involved with his virus containment efforts, I did assist in the subsequent cover-up when it was unmasked as a hoax, designed to part the good people of Wall Street from their dubiously earned cash.

I was of course delighted to receive such a large sum of money from a man who I remembered with much fondness and suspicion. Somewhat ironically, Sir Blumquist died from Irritable Parrot Fever, which had long been thought to be an imaginary ailment. His will, therefore, specified that this particular bequest should be spent exclusively on research into disease prevention. True to his instructions, I began investigating the major causes of the transmission of infectious disease, which can be broken down into the following categories:

  1. Contact
  2. Food Contamination
  3. Insect Bites
  4. Foreign Travel
  5. Extra-Terrestrial Experimentation
  6. Television Medical Documentaries

After much consultation with experts in the field, I quickly determined that items five and six were most likely figments of a paranoid imagination and concentrated my efforts on the remaining four.

As I’m sure you are aware, I conduct most of my work in northern England. At that latitude, insect-borne diseases such as malaria and Dengue fever are virtually unknown. I, therefore, felt poorly qualified to investigate item three. The only way I might have researched this issue would have been to combine it with item four. However, I decided journeying to the mosquito-infested tropics was a step too far, even though Sir Blumquist’s funds would have enabled me to travel first class.

Item two, food contamination, was an obvious concern, especially as much of it now comes from abroad, where it is almost certainly grown in dirty fields filled with bugs and without the modern conveniences of insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides. I, therefore, decided to investigate this aspect of infection control by baking or boiling all my food for several hours before consumption. This does compromise the flavor, consistency, and nutritional value of many food items, particularly soft fruit and bread products. However, in my student days, I survived perfectly well on a diet of pizza and vitamin pills, and thought it well worth the inconvenience to prevent any possible contaminants reaching my digestive system.

This left item one, infection via contact, as the prime focus of my investigations. I decided I need to research both direct and indirect contact, and it soon struck me that one could disinfect two birds with one radiation source, so to speak. The mechanism common to all contact is of course touch–whether that be kissing, sneezing, scratching, or opening the door to a doctor’s waiting room. It seemed to me that much of this was unnecessary and should be avoided or even banned, in the interests of public health.

Illustration of a man seated above a pair of insectoid robots.

“This is where you sit to control the robots and that Van Der Graaf generator thing over there. Not sure what it does, but we automated it anyway. Hope you don’t mind?”

To read the rest of this story, check out the Mad Scientist Journal: Winter 2020 collection.

Professor Caldwell Mook holds the Mithering Chair of General Negativity at the University of Leeds, England. He specializes in preemptive risk analyses for speculative technology. Professor Mook regularly offers discouragement and derision to scientists and engineers around the world.

Nick Morrish is an increasingly mad engineer who lives in Hampshire, England, where his eccentricities are considered quite normal. He clings to the last vestiges of sanity by writing serious and truthful stories about the nature of existence. Since no one else seems to observe truth in quite the same way, his work is often mistaken for satire and fantasy.

Luke Spooner, a.k.a. ‘Carrion House,’ currently lives and works in the South of England. Having recently graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a first class degree, he is now a full time illustrator for just about any project that piques his interest. Despite regular forays into children’s books and fairy tales, his true love lies in anything macabre, melancholy, or dark in nature and essence. He believes that the job of putting someone else’s words into a visual form, to accompany and support their text, is a massive responsibility, as well as being something he truly treasures. You can visit his web site at

“Do Not Touch” is © 2019 Nick Morrish
Art accompanying story is © 2019 Luke Spooner

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Strange Science: Oxygen on Mars

Public domain (

One of the Curiosity rover’s tasks was monitoring the atmospheric composition of Mars, and the data collected has revealed unusual changes in the atmosphere over the course of the Martian year–perhaps the Mars equivalent of seasons!

Oxygen, in particular, peaks in the spring and summer. Scientists indicate that “The variation suggests that the oxygen is being created by something, then taken away.” But the scientists have also been unable to discern the cause of this fluctuation. More study and theories are needed to get to the bottom of this.

You can read more about it here!

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More Tales of Xenobiology

If you enjoyed this week’s story, you might also like some of our previous xenobiology stories!

Jehovah’s Feathers” by K. Kitts (relationships between human and non-human species)

Noise” by John A. McColley (investigations by a non-human species into humanity)

Marked” by M A Smith (life as an unusual species)

“Space Cthulhu and the Cosmic Sneeze” by Catherine L. Brooke (a non-human species studies the past) (available in MSJ Winter 2018)

“Belcher’s Sailor: A Remarkable Adaptation to Life on Gas Giants” by E. B. Fischadler (a scientific article on a non-human species) (available in MSJ Winter 2016)

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Awesome Finds: A Couple of Cool Comic Book Projects

There are a couple of cool comic book projects we’ve got our eyes on at Kickstarter right now!

The first is for the first issue of Changa and the Jade Obelisk. This comic book is based on Milton J. Davis’s Changa’s Safari, part of the Sword and Soul book series. The characters and plot both look super awesome, so we’re hoping this project funds and paves the way for many more!

We’re also interested in the Ma’ari series of paranormal LGBTQIA friendly YA comics, also seeking funding (for their third issue) on Kickstarter. This series is about Italian witches investigating a murder and features queer characters.

Both of these Kickstarters end in early February, so check them out soon!

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Interview with Wendy Nikel

Today, we’re chatting with MSJ alum Wendy Nikel, who has her first audiobook out now!

DV: Tell us a bit about yourself!

Wendy Nikel: I’m a homeschooling mom who somehow manages to squeeze writing time in between lesson planning, driving kids to extracurricular activities, running the household, and making sure everyone–including our three gerbils–gets fed. I’ve been published in Analog, Nature: Futures, Cricket, and elsewhere and am currently serving as the Publisher Liaison for the 2020 World Fantasy Convention.

DV: You’ve just released the audio version of The Continuum, the first book in your Place in Time series. What are some of the things you learned during the process of getting your printed words into audio format?

WN: I went into this project without really knowing what to expect and was pleasantly surprised at how much fun I had putting together this audiobook.

The Continuum was published by World Weaver Press in January 2018, and the three novellas that follow it in the Place in Time series also involve many of the same characters, so in a way, this project meant re-visiting a story and characters that were very familiar to me, which I’ve spent a lot of time rewriting and revising and reworking and polishing. But I also had to look at it differently than I’d ever done before. I’ve always had some idea of what each of the characters “sounded” like in my head, but figuring out how to describe that to someone else was an interesting challenge.

DV: What advice would you give other authors who are interested in having audio versions of their small-press or self-published books created?

WN: My biggest piece of advice would be to make sure that you know what rights you have and which you’re giving away whenever you sign a contract, whether it’s for a short story, novella, or novel. Even if you don’t currently have plans for producing your work in audio, you may be more open to the idea or have an opportunity present itself later, so it’s good to keep your options open!

DV: Who are some of your favorite audiobook narrators?

WN: I’m going to use this opportunity to give a shout-out to my amazing narrator, Jennifer Stoneking. One of the things I was most concerned about when starting this process was that I wouldn’t find a narrator that was a good fit, so when I heard her audition, it was a huge relief; it was just like I’d imagined my main character Elise’s voice in my head! She was fabulous to work with, and I’m really proud of the finished product!

DV: What’s on the horizon for you?

WN: As far as audiobooks go, I’d definitely like to produce the other three books in the series as well, but that’s going to depend on how the first book does–so if you like this one, be sure to leave a review or tell a friend!

I’m also very excited about having a story in a recently announced anthology from Bloomsbury Press, entitled Philosophy through Science Fiction Stories, which also includes stories from Ted Chiang, Ken Liu, Aliette de Bodard, and others.

Thanks, Wendy!

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Fiction: Stars Swimming in the Ether

An essay by Priscilla von Muller, as provided by Genevieve McCluer
Art by Luke Spooner

“Ms. von Muller, I was hoping we could ask you something.” Kirkpatrick, the head scientist of the facility, waved me over. His smug smile as he stood in front of his meaningless little Tesla coil made me feel all the less amicable toward whatever his request might be. I just hoped it wasn’t to fetch him coffee again. Honestly, we were not grad students anymore; there were far more effective stimulants.

“It’s doctor,” I corrected.

The hint of annoyance only flashed on his face for a second, but it was unmistakable. I felt the same every time he opened his mouth. “Of course. Doctor.” He said it almost sarcastically, like the years I had spent studying were all just some big joke. “Well, all of us have been working on that new specimen. So far it’s given us nothing.”

“Have you tried vivisection?”

He groaned. “We’ve cut into its tentacles repeatedly, but they just regrow, and nothing seems capable of piercing its body.”

I cocked an eyebrow at that. We had more than enough tools to do such a simple job. I’d only seen the specimen in passing before, but it didn’t look like it would be a particularly tough nut to crack, as it were. “Have you tried a diamond-tipped scalpel?”

He waved off the comment, giving the distinct impression he had not attempted it. “We’re well past such things, Priscilla. But the creature seems to be learning. It’s already developed as good a grasp at English as you have.” The Brits would never shy at the chance to insult a foreigner’s mastery of their language, no matter how pitiful they themselves may have been at it. “We were hoping you could talk to it?”

That was certainly unusual. “Why me?”

Illustration of a woman surrounded by tentacles.

I opened the door to the shed to find the shrieking creature they so feared.

To read the rest of this story, check out the Mad Scientist Journal: Winter 2020 collection.

Priscilla von Muller. The greatest scientific mind of her generation. After revolutionizing automobiles, she moved on to perfect advanced weaponry, anti-sleep pills, and infinite energy. She had devoted her life to the pursuit of science, forgoing all else, including love, and even moving from her home in Germany to join an upcoming institute in England. While she regretted the decision, she still had to show up those small-minded Englishmen in their feeble attempts at advancing human understanding. She doesn’t believe in the concept of leisure time.

Genevieve McCluer was born in California and grew up in numerous cities across the country. She studied criminal justice in college, but after a few years of that, moved her focus to writing. Her whole life, she’s been obsessed with mythology and past cultures, and she bases her stories in those.

She now lives in Arizona with her partner and cats, working away at far too many novels. In her free time, she pesters the cats, plays video games, and attempts to be better at archery.

Luke Spooner, a.k.a. ‘Carrion House,’ currently lives and works in the South of England. Having recently graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a first class degree, he is now a full time illustrator for just about any project that piques his interest. Despite regular forays into children’s books and fairy tales, his true love lies in anything macabre, melancholy, or dark in nature and essence. He believes that the job of putting someone else’s words into a visual form, to accompany and support their text, is a massive responsibility, as well as being something he truly treasures. You can visit his web site at

“Stars Swimming in the Ether” is © 2019 Genevieve McCluer
Art accompanying story is © 2019 Luke Spooner

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Strange Science: Real Life Kaiju

Kaiju, which means “strange creature” in Japanese, like the ones we see in movies couldn’t possibly be real … or could they?

This article talks about the real world inspirations for some of the most popular kaiju from movies, all of which can be found in Japan. While the monsters from the movies are often much larger than their real world counterparts, and often much more colorful as well, you can see the parallels between some of these animals of Japan and the monsters they inspired.


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