Public domain (http://www.public-domain-image.com/public-domain-images-pictures-free-stock-photos/nature-landscapes-public-domain-images-pictures/winter-public-domain-images-pictures/rough-sea-ice-at-sunset.jpg)
The Regeneron Science Talent Search is an opportunity for high school students to present their original scientific research and win awards based on that research. Winners of the annual competition were announced last week, and included a mathematical model to locate exoplanets, analysis of the genetic makeup of HIV patients resistant to anti-retroviral treatments, and work related to an unsolvable math problem.
But the talent search also poses questions to their finalists, and this year those questions included what the finalists proposed as solutions to climate change. The suggestions were widely varied, reflecting the unique scientific approaches of the various young scientists queried. You can read more about the answers in this article at Science News for Students.
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