An essay by Fremde Zwilling, CEO, Paradoxical Twins, Inc.
Brought to our attention by E. B. Fischadler[1]
Art by America Jones
One of the most curious developments in quantum physics is quantum entanglement. This is a phenomenon that allows two particles to behave in a manner consistent with instantaneous exchange of information with no apparent connection. If two entangled particles are created with specific quantum states, they will maintain the relationship between their quantum states. If a quantum state–for example, spin–of one particle changes abruptly, the corresponding state of an entangled particle changes simultaneously. The most interesting—and, we propose, useful–aspect of this phenomenon is that it occurs regardless of the distance separating the two particles. Einstein argued it was an error in understanding, referring to it as “spooky action at a distance.” The scientists at Paradoxical Twins, Inc., don’t pretend to understand quantum physics well enough to explain this phenomenon, nor do they have sufficient facility with relativity to explain to me how one determines simultaneity of two separated particles.[2] Even so, they have somehow managed to harness this phenomenon, through a combination of sketchy knowledge, chutzpah, and sheer good luck, to put this effect to good use.
How it Works
If individual particles can be entangled, it is conceivable that ordered groups of particles can also be entangled. Since the quantum states of every particle in one group change identically to the quantum states of every particle in an entangled group, we find that the two groups respond identically to a stimulus, even though that stimulus is applied only to one of the groups. If one creates two ordered groups, each comprising a sensor (e.g., a microphone), and entangles these two groups, one has created a remote sensing system with several useful properties:
- Zero delay: The local group will sense whatever the distant group senses at the very same instant. No longer need we tolerate delays of several hours in receiving sounds from Pluto.
- Noise free transmission: Since all the quantum states of the group are entangled, the local sensor will react exactly as the distant sensor. There are no transmission distortions, no noise, and no dropouts.
- Compactness: With quantum entanglement sensing, there is no need for a transmitter, receiver, nor their accompanying power supplies and antennas.
- Stealth: Quantum entangled sensors communicate only via quantum entanglement. Thus there are no radio signals to allow detection of a sensor, nor can the transmissions be intercepted, blocked, or spoofed. At least until the bad guys figure out how to use quantum entanglement in this manner.
It would be just like tying two Dixie cups together with string–only without the string.

A major maker of surgical implements built 10,000 scalpels using the IdentiCopy system. The original cost only $10 to make. Paradoxical Twins proposed to disentangle the scalpels for $10,000,000. Unfortunately, negotiations between the company and the machinists’ union were not going well. When hundreds of surgical interns severed fingers due to a worker leaving a sharp edge on the handle, the courts awarded $10 BILLION to the young surgeons.
[1] Why would an otherwise reasonable person bring us this?
[2] It seems to me that when the first particle changes state, a message is sent by an experimenter to the location of the second particle. This message travels at the speed of light, so the second observer must somehow register that the event occurred at his article at a specific instant in the past. Otherwise, the state change propagated at light speed.
To read the rest of this story, check out the Mad Scientist Journal: Winter 2017 collection.
Fremde Zwilling is the founder and chief executive officer of Paradoxical Twins, Inc. He first became interested in quantum entanglement when he and his twin brother developed appendicitis on the same day. Though he was a sociology major, Mr. Zwilling hung out with the science majors. Paradoxical Twins, Inc., is the result of some late night beerfests with those classmates.
E. B. Fischadler has been writing short stories for several years, and has recently begun publishing. His stories have appeared in Mad Scientist Journal, Bewildering Stories, eFiction, Voluted Tales, Beyond Imagination Literary Magazine, and Beyond Science Fiction. In addition to fiction, Fischadler has published over 30 papers in refereed scientific journals, as well as a chapter of a textbook on satellite engineering. When he is not writing, he pursues a career in engineering and serves his community as an EMT. Fischadler continues to write short stories and is working on a novel about a naval surgeon. You can learn more about Fischadler and access his other publications at:
AJ is an illustrator and comic artist with a passion for neon colors and queer culture. Catch them being antisocial on social media @thehauntedboy.
“Quantum Entanglement for Better Living” is © 2017 E. B. Fischadler
Art accompanying story is © 2017 America Jones