A recipe by Franklin A. Evenson, M.D., as provided by Dusty Wallace
Art by Ariel Alian Wilson
10 South woods fairies, fresh and intact
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 tablespoon baking soda
1 small cookpot
mortar and pestle
First, a note on the fairies: when using fairies in any recipe, I strongly advise against purchasing them from vendors. Using the wrong fairies in a recipe can lead to extreme illness. North woods fairies should not be used as a substitute in this recipe.

The first thing you do with fairies is rip off their wings. Otherwise they’ll fly right out of the jar. If the cries of pain bother you, it may be prudent to stuff your ears with cotton.
For freshness, it’s best to harvest your own fairies. With some honey-sweetened milk, the fairies will come right to you. All you have to do is put them in a jar (poke some holes in the lid so they can breathe). Try not to engage them in meaningful conversation, as it can lead to unwanted emotional confusion.
To read the rest of this story, check out the Mad Scientist Journal: Winter 2016 collection.
Franklin A. Evenson, M.D., gave himself an honorary medical license when he turned eighteen. In the two years since, he’s risen to become the premiere (and only) physician in all of Great Woods. Most of his techniques were developed through the time-tested practice of trial and error.
Dusty Wallace lives in the Appalachians of Virginia with his wife and two sons. He enjoys reading, writing, and the occasional fine cigar. Find him on Twitter: @CosmicDustMite
Ariel Alian Wilson is a few things: artist, writer, gamer, and role-player. Having dabbled in a few different art mediums, Ariel has been drawing since she was small, having always held a passion for it. She’s always juggling numerous projects. Currently lives in Seattle with her two cats, Zippy and Persephone. You can find doodles, sketches, and more at her blog www.winndycakesart.tumblr.com.
“Traditional Fairy Dust: A Recipe” is © 2015 Dusty Wallace
Art accompanying story is © 2015 Ariel Alian Wilson