That Man Behind the Curtain: July 2015

Serious Business

Here we see the editors in their native habitat.

I’ve been a bit busy with my new Kickstarter, but here are the numbers for the month!

The Money Aspect

Amounts in parentheses are losses/expenses.

Hosting: ($17.06)
Stories: ($70.00)
Art: ($150.00)
Advertising: ($45.00)
Processing Fees: ($12.08)
Donations: $69.00
Ad Revenue: $0.70
Kickstarter: $5.00
Book Sales: $68.80
Total: ($155.80)
QTD: ($155.80)
YTD: ($385.41)
All Time: ($10,846.74)

As per usual, I try to list costs for art and stories under the month that the stories run on the site rather than when I pay them. (This does not apply to special content which does not have a specific month associated with it.) Sales are for sales when they take place, not when it’s actually paid out to me. I also cover Paypal expenses when paying authors and artists.

Sales continue to decrease, mostly as sales for That Ain’t Right begin to decrease. I’m wondering, not for the first time, why we bother with ads on the site.


We finally re-opened to submissions, both regular and quarterly-only. We received a total of 55 submissions. Of the 19 Quarterly-Only submissions, we accepted 6 (36.8%). One of those we ended up accepting for the regular publication instead. Of the 36 regular submissions, we accepted 17 (47.2%). For all submissions in July we were at 43.6%. All time acceptance rate is 48.2%


Number of followers in social media as of the end of last month.

Facebook: 980 (+9) (we should do an event when we hit 1,000)
Twitter: 390 (-2)
Google+: 59 (+3)
Tumblr: 95 (+0)
Mailing List: 40 (+2)
Patreon: 9 (+0)


Our traffic was significantly up in July. We had a total of 1,509 visits. Our traffic consisted of 1007 users and 2,753 page views. Our highest day of traffic was 120.

This month’s search engine term is “is there is human lives in deep under ocean.” I think it’s a question we all wonder from time to time. Also: “ebay 1979’s quilt patterns” continues to get hits. I think with enough persistence we can become the destination for people failing to find 1979 quilt patterns. If you’re looking for an idea for a story to submit to us, this may be your prompt!

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