Spike in numbers from paying authors for Selfies, plus an unexpected benefit from using BackerKit. Let’s look at some numbers!
The Money Aspect
Amounts in parentheses are losses/expenses.
Hosting: ($17.06)
Stories: ($879.00)
Art: ($148.45)
Advertising: ($20.00)
Processing Fees: ($17.58)
Printing: ($90.91)
Donations: $77.00
Ad Revenue: $0.77
Kickstarter: $75.00
Book Sales: $201.20
Total: ($819.03)
QTD: ($819.03)
YTD: $645.10
All Time: ($9,816.23)
As per usual, I try to list costs for art and stories under the month that the stories run on the site rather than when I pay them. Sales are for sales when they take place, not when it’s actually paid out to me. I also cover Paypal expenses when paying authors and artists.
The skewing of numbers thanks to Kickstarter continues this month. We paid over $800 for the stories for the anthology. Using Backerkit allowed backers to pay for add-ons after the Kickstarter ended. So we gained another $75 in funds for Selfies.
We are closed to submissions. Our overall rate remains at 48.52%.
Number of followers in social media as of the end of last month.
Facebook: 946 (+8)
Twitter: 414 (+32)
Google+: 53 (+0)
Tumblr: 80 (+8)
Mailing List: 38 (+2)
Patreon: 10 (+0)
Our traffic was a little down in April. We had a total of 1,703 visits. Our traffic consisted of 1,225 users and 2,935 page views. Our highest day of traffic was 127.
This month’s search engine term is “1934 boise city news – mistaking water for kerosene”. Though “ebay 1979’s quilt patterns” is still drawing traffic.
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