Provided by M. Bennardo
from vol. XII, no. 3
To the editor:
There has been recently a distressing increase in the tendency of our fellow time travelers to treat past and future history with ignorance, contempt, and apathy.
This boorish behavior was at least tolerable when confined to the usual tourist destinations, such as the sinking of the Titanic or the Great Fire of Chicago, but a recent trip to what I hoped would be a quiet moment at the feet of the poet Homer was marred when I encountered a party of loud, nasty, improperly dressed time travelers from the twentieth century.
I do not suppose any readers of National Chronologic are among the bad behavers, but I entreat all to redouble their efforts to uphold the codes of decent time travel no matter how cheap or common the technology may be in their era.
B.W. from 1895

The decks of that doomed ocean liner, from after the lifeboats have been launched to just prior to the breaking of her back, have long been clogged with more gaping tourists than actual victims of the tragedy.
To read the rest of this story, check out theĀ Mad Scientist Journal: Summer 2012 collection.
National Chronologic is the official journal of the National Chronologic Society. Published concurrently across four centuries, the journal is recognized as the publication of record for amateur and professional time travelers. Please inquire at the most recent National Chronologic office for subscription costs in your era. Intertemporal delivery charges may apply for those outside the twenty-first century. Send payment, inquiries, or letters to T.W. Winners, editor-in-chief.
M. Bennardo’s short fiction appears in Redstone Science Fiction, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Shimmer, and other markets. He is editor of the best-selling Machine of Death series of anthologies. He is also a contributor to The Time Traveler’s Pocket Guide, which is how he knows so much about time travel. He lives in Cleveland, Ohio, but people everywhere can find him online at
Photo of the Titanic is from 123RF Stock Photo
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