Mad Scientist Journal Open to Submissions in December

Our next submission period for Mad Scientist Journal will be the month of December. During that month, we’ll be looking for regular, first person flash fiction and short stories from the world of mad science, classified ads from the world of mad science, and quarterly exclusive flash fiction and short stories that would be of interest to mad scientists.

As always, reprints are fine, presuming the rights have reverted to you. We do not accept simultaneous submissions (submitted to another market at the same time as it’s submitted to us), but we do allow multiple submissions (more than one piece under consideration by us at the same time).

Pay rates are token, ranging from $5 to $20, depending on length and the piece’s publication history.

You can read more about our submission guidelines on our submissions page. The link will lead you to our Submittable page, but it won’t be active for submissions until December 1st!

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