That Man Behind the Curtain: April 2017

Table at Pulicon

Actress and fellow author Amanda Cherry helped us out at the 4th Annual Pulicon!

April was the hard push at reading slush, and very little else was accomplished. Here’s what the numbers looked like.

The Money Aspect

Amounts in parentheses are losses/expenses.
Hosting: ($17.06)
Stories: ($75.00)
Art: ($582.08)
Advertising: ($30.00)
Processing Fees: ($26.49)
Conventions: ($80.00)
Donations: $38.71
Ad Revenue: $0.48
Kickstarter: $22.00
Physical Sales: $146.00
Online Book Sales: $41.09

Total: ($562.25)
QTD: ($562.25)
YTD: $2,512.08
All Time: ($17,512.39)

As usual, I try to list costs for art and stories under the month that the stories run on the site rather than when I pay them. (This does not apply to special content, which does not have a specific month associated with it.) Sales are for sales when they take place, not when it’s actually paid out to me. Online book sales reflect the royalties given after the retailer takes their cut. Physical book says represent gross income, not counting the cost of the physical book.

Backerkit has allowed us to collect and additional $22. Of the hole we had from failed charges, we might be able to regain another $13.


We were behind on slush last month, so we couldn’t give a total at that time. So here’s the recap for March and April.

March we saw a record 242 submissions for our anthology. Of those, we accepted 22 for the anthology: 9.1%. We also offered to publish 5 of the stories elsewhere, but have not heard back from all of the authors. If we count them as acceptances, even if they don’t take us up on the offer, then that brings the total percentage to 11.2%.

We were open to submissions in April for our quarterly exclusives and classified ads. We received 32 submssions: 28 stories, 4 classified ads. We accepted 6 stories (21.4%) and all of the classifieds (100%), for a total of 31.3% for April.

Our all time acceptance rate is 38.7%.


At the end of April, we had:

Facebook: 1,630 (+9)

Twitter: 528 (+9)

Google+: 63 (+0)

Tumblr: 228 (+3)

Mailing List: 75 (+0)

Patreon: 14 (+1)


In April, we had a staggering 1,133 visits. Triple what we normally have. 709 users and 1,751 page views. Our peak day was 58 visits.

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