That Man Behind the Curtain: January 2015

Due to the work load involved with the Kickstarter, this month’s look behind the scenes got delayed.

The Money Aspect

Amounts in parentheses are losses/expenses.

Hosting: ($17.06)
Stories: ($70.00)
Art: ($99.56)
Advertising: ($483.79)
Processing Fees: ($12.07)
Donations: $43.00
Ad Revenue: $0.25
Book Sales: $263.19
Total: ($376.04)
QTD: ($376.04)
YTD: ($376.04)
All Time: ($10,822.43)

As per usual, I try to list costs for art and stories under the month that the stories run on the site rather than when I pay them. Sales are for sales when they take place, not when it’s actually paid out to me. I also cover Paypal expenses when paying authors and artists.

Our Kickstarter technically started January 31st, and I dumped a good chunk of change on advertising. That Ain’t Right continues to sell like well. Bizarrely, our ad revenue dropped off significantly.


We received 75 submissions in January once we reopened. 21 were classified ads, 21 exclusives. Of these we accepted 41 (54.7%), which included all of the classifieds (100%) and 7 of the exclusives (33.3%). Our all time acceptance percentage is at 54.9%.


Facebook: 917 (+24)
Twitter: 334 (-1)
Google+: 48 (+6)
Tumblr: 56 (+6)
Mailing List: 37 (+1)
Patreon: 9 (+1)


Our traffic increased significantly in January. We had a total of 2,316 visits. Our traffic consisted of 1,494 users and 4,093 page views. Our highest day of traffic was 197.

Despite Google Analytics making it increasingly difficult to find this part of the report, I was still able to find the search terms from our organic traffic. This month’s search engine term is “plutonium super villain.” It’s a little obvious, but it’s better than the person wanting sex videos involving animals and dowels. As the young folk say: o.O

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