Let’s Look at Another Author

After the initial frenzy of the first week, the Kickstarter has mellowed out into a more moderate pace. But we’ve crossed the 100-Backer mark (and thank you to all of you!) and are creeping steadily to our first stretch goal. So let me take a moment to show you another of our writers.

“Something whistled down the chimney and up the corridors, stirring leaves and dust and reminding me that even one unexplained dead body was a sign of danger. I scrambled to my feet and crouched low. There was nothing to be seen but I felt eyes on my back. I glanced over my shoulder, that strange carved wreath once again commanding my attention. I shuddered. It was, beyond a doubt, well past time to leave.”
— “August and Autumn” by Jenna M. Pitman

The Pacific Northwest lost an amazing resource when Jenna traded our mist-wrapped evergreens for sunny Southern California. Though she has not been lending her voice to local conventions, she did agree to contribute “August and Autumn” to our collection. She carved out her own corner of the Mythos with a story that starts out as moody and ominous but evolves into a harrowing bit of terror at the end. I cannot gush more without delving into spoilers, but I hope you enjoy her story as much as we did. But while you wait, check out some of her stuff on Amazon!

I’ll check back with you all in a couple days with another glimpse at our writers.

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